Thursday 16 November 2006 5:23:52 am
In the upgrade folder of a distribution package there is a wonderfully clear and detailed bit of information on what to do with the database on each incremental upgrade. There are scripts in place for each step up the ladder, for instance, in file update/database/postgresql/3.8/dbupdate-3.8.3-to-3.8.4.sql we see:
UPDATE ezsite_data SET value='3.8.4' WHERE name='ezpublish-version';
UPDATE ezsite_data SET value='10' WHERE name='ezpublish-release';
Would it be possible to offer this kind of granular instruction regarding all the scripts in update/common/scripts ?
I suggest that withing the scripts dir, there be sub-dirs analog to those where the DB is concerned, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 ... 3.8, you get the picture. Then inside of 3.8, for example, there would be brief text files, upgrade_3.8.0_to_3.8.1, upgrade_3.8.1_to_3.8.1, etc. Inside the files you would read which scripts in upgrade/common/scripts must be run for that particular incremental upgrade. As an example: In file upgrade/common/scripts/3.8/upgrade_3.8.3_to_3.8.4 you'd read:
correctxmltextclasses.php --global
(perhaps some explanitory text)
I've been using eZ since about 2.2.x and there never really has been adequate docu on upgrading and I think something like this would be immensely helpful. AK