Forums / Suggestions / Display the RSS feeds in each section on

Display the RSS feeds in each section on

Author Message

francis Nart

Friday 13 August 2004 8:24:07 am


I find the RSS feeds absolutely great on, the problem is that you have to search for them, and especially the newcomers on your website. A good practice would be to display on each section where a RSS feed is available, the link to use ! Just as it has been done on the specs pages. Unfortunately, the rss feeds for "news", "blog", "bugs" are hidden in old news...

>Moreover, I encourage those interested in using the feeds to stay up to date to use the firefox browser and the sage extension. That open source extension gives you the possibility to read the rss feeds in the browser itself which is quite useful, moreover the multiple tab/windows properties of the firefox browser is very useful when you have to switch between the admin interface and the client side of your ez publish websites.

Have a good week-end.
