Forums / Suggestions / Documentation - share your experience!

Documentation - share your experience!

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Christiane Kloss

Wednesday 14 September 2005 4:39:58 am

At first: Many thanks to the ez-crew for the new documentation. You do/did a great job!

But still many people are complaining, that there is a big gap in the documentation between absolute beginners stuff and well oriented developers.
And I agree.
Many things are still hard to find out.

An easy way to change this could look like that:
After someone has solved a problem, he could <b>share his experience by using the comments in the docs</b> to explain the full solution in a more detailed and clear way step by step. Or at least with some forum_links.
The ez-crew gets a better idea of what kind of explanation is necessary. They would be able to improve the docs by copy and paste or just doing small corrections.

For items not yet documented there should be a place where you can publish them.

I would like to find an article about all this related_object stuff for example...;-))

And what about a list containing the most blockheaded errors? Maybe combined with a poll?
First place: Clear the cache
Second place: Clear the cache
Third place: don't forget...

I'm sure, this would save a lot of time on all sides!

Greetings from Christiane

carl mcdade

Wednesday 14 September 2005 5:04:10 am

seeing every thing in an ordered and organized format and not having to wait for page loads will make learning faster and easier. The windows CHM format is great for this.

You can find the ezpublish docs in windows CHM format here:

This is a subscription site but you can get a free subscription by posting to the forums or blogging 5 times within a weeks period. You maintain your subscrption status by posting regularly. The reason for maintaining a subscription is to get the latest version of any of the files.

Carl McDade
Hivemindz Magazine