Forums / Suggestions / Fetch Object Function for Collected Information

Fetch Object Function for Collected Information

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Paul Wilson

Saturday 25 February 2006 5:32:30 pm

<b>Suggestion:</b> A "Fetch" function that returns a selected series of objects from Collected Information (eg by attribute_id, attribute value, user_id, or time).

Current Fetch functions for collected information only count totals (ie "collected_info_count" and "collected_info_count_list") - they don't allow selection of a series of collected information objects, only individual objects by content object id (ie "collected_info_collection"). This means you need to do a lot of processing to know what objects you want before you can do anything with them. Although it is possible to achieve the outcome in other ways, a Fetch function to get one or more objects by different criteria would enable:

- For polls, showing a registered user what they've voted for.
- Histories and summaries of user Poll / form responses.
- Advanced user interaction and information handling

It seems likely that the functions are probably already written and just need to be adapted to this purpose -

1) The file "/kernel/classes/ezinformationcollection.php" contains a function called "fetchByUserIdentifier" which "fetches the information collection by user identifier" (line 419). Perhaps there is a way to access this?

2) Create a simple (?) adaptation of Fetch function that applies to the collected information SQL tables?

<b>Evidence of Need / Issue</b>
This topic has come up a number of times in the forums, for example:

Is this possible, or perhaps already planned? Has anyone else identified this as valuable "nice to have" or "must have" feature?

Piotrek Karaƛ

Thursday 01 November 2007 1:55:55 pm

Exactly my thought, just four and a half years later ;)
Is there any particular reason behind keeping the collected info fetch function list so short?

The information collection mechanism is very handy in a number of situations. While custom operator or fetch function will solve the issue, it would be nice to have some more possibilities out of the box ;)

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