Forums / Suggestions / For understanding of ez core and libraries(background working)

For understanding of ez core and libraries(background working)

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Romeo Antony

Monday 06 September 2010 5:03:12 am


I would like to understand the background working by going through the classes ,kernel,lib etc. but it seems that stuck even though I know the OOP pgming .but can anyone suggest me where should i start first for a proper understanding of ez core.

Matthieu Sévère

Monday 06 September 2010 6:54:29 am

Hi romeo,

You should start by trying to develop custom extension and especially custom module / views in your extension.

Once you have done that you can look into kernel/content and see that it's a module like yours and all the files in there are linked to different views.

Then you can look into the definition of fetch for example.

Once this is done you can start enjoying ezpersistant object in kernel classes and start developping custom datatypes.

This is more or less the way I have followed but there is plenty of other way to learn ;)

Enjoy :)

eZ certified developer:

Romeo Antony

Monday 06 September 2010 4:28:56 pm

Hi Matthieu,

thank you for your reply.

Ya I was trying that way .But beginning ,a bit confusing. But no worries. I will catch it.


André R.

Tuesday 07 September 2010 3:12:45 am

Make sure you follow the misc Articles / Tutorials on these topics, and make sure you lookup some of the simpler examples in eZ Publish / ezjscore (I guess you mean ezjscore and not the older ezcore extension) / other included extensions for additional examples.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Matthieu Sévère

Tuesday 07 September 2010 4:28:21 am


I guess you mean ezjscore and not the older ezcore extension


I think he meant eZ Kernel (core), or I also didn't understand :D

eZ certified developer:

Romeo Antony

Tuesday 07 September 2010 5:42:54 pm


"I guess you mean ezjscore and not the older ezcore extension) / other included extensions for additional examples. "

I think Andre suggested extension ezjscore not eZ Kernel for simplicity. Isn't it?



Matthieu Sévère

Wednesday 08 September 2010 12:17:11 am



"I guess you mean ezjscore and not the older ezcore extension) / other included extensions for additional examples. "

I think Andre suggested extension ezjscore not eZ Kernel for simplicity. Isn't it?




Oh ok, good idea eZ JSCore is an awesome extension !

eZ certified developer:

Romeo Antony

Wednesday 08 September 2010 2:03:21 am

Hi Mathiew,

I am trying to grasp how to develop the custom extensions. But I am stuck at certain point while I following the cutom extension development form ez.Can u do a favour by explain what following code mean

function &handleList( $parameters = array(), $asCount = false )
$parameters = array_merge( array( 'as_object' => true,
'offset' => false,
'limit' => false ),
$parameters );
$asObject = $parameters['as_object'];
$offset = $parameters['offset'];
$limit = $parameters['limit'];
$limitArray = null;
if ( !$asCount and $offset !== false and $limit !== false )
$limitArray = array( 'offset' => $offset,
'length' => $limit );

return eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList( Mymodule::definition(),
null, null, null, $limitArray,
$asObject );


I couldn't understand the logic here in above function.

The above function is in the URL

I wll be thankfull for any help.

Matthieu Sévère

Wednesday 08 September 2010 2:17:42 am

Hi Romeo,

This method is part of a class that extends eZPersistentObject. It means that the class will be mapped to a table in your database (this is defined in the method definition, you defined the table and the fields of your object). Thus, you will be able to easily store object to the database using the create and store methods.

About the function handleList it is a helper to fetch data from your table. As your class extends eZPersistentObject you can use the fetchObjectList method to easily retrieve data from DB.


eZ certified developer:

Romeo Antony

Wednesday 08 September 2010 5:01:10 am

Thank you for your valauble help.

I will go through

and i will try to understand it.

