Forums / Suggestions / Menus, Modules, Dialogue Boxes and Logic

Menus, Modules, Dialogue Boxes and Logic

Author Message

cubby cub

Wednesday 26 August 2009 5:27:41 am

<removed: sentence written in offending style>

1. What the script lacks is compartmentalization of tasks.

Example, when you click on the Users tab, on this ONE page you have far too many options. Seriously, go to the admin interface, click on User Accounts and count the number of actions you can do.

On this ONE page you have links/options to remove a user, add a user, edit a user, add user groups, edit user groups, remove user groups, see a list of users... ALL of these processes exist and yet, no one thought to add the following MENU OF OPTIONS...

Add a User
Edit a User
Remove a User
Add a Usergroup
Edit a Usergroup

YOU FORGOT THE FREAKIN MENU! Do you not get how much easier you'd make it on new users and old if you just added a freakin menu? Is it that difficult? Why is this not standard?!?!?!

2. The admin interface is counter-intuitive.

What does "Setup" mean to the average person? To the average person, it's where I'd go to configure something to my specifications. Whether it's a microwave, a computer, or a CMS script, this is where I expect to enter details based on my needs that will make something work/move/go.

Yet, when I go to the SETUP tab, i can...

- VIEW collected information. Am I "Setting Up" anything under the Collected Information link? Is this where I specify what fields are displayed on the Registration Form? Is this where I add new fields to the Registration form. Is this where I add new forms? Do I specify which fields are required. No. Actually, I don't "Setup" anything and yet, it Collected Information is under "Setup." That makes perfect sense to someone at EZ.

- Clear Cache. Am I "Setting Up" what areas of the site should be cached? What areas should not be? Nope, not at all. In fact, I don't have any control over the "Setup" of how the site is cached. At least, I don't under the "Setup" tab.

- Sessions. Is this where I "Setup" how long a user session will last? Hecks no.

- Global Settings (THIS IS MY FAVORITE!) Is this where I go to enter the title of my site? Do I add my keywords here? Site description maybe? How about Company info? Surely that's there? Company Phone? Address maybe? My contact email? Do I choose the template here? Oh I know, this is where I set the path of my ezpub install?

<removed: sentence written in offending style>

3. It lacks communication with the user via dialogue boxes (boxes that tell you what something is, that displays when you've made an error, successfully completed an action, etc...)

<removed: sentence written in offending style>

Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way.

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 26 August 2009 6:32:37 am


First of all your post is against this forums policy[1]. And I have to remove some of content which you have produced here. You are offending people writing this way. There are many ways to provide a feedback. Your ironical style is not constructive at all, it is destructive.

Lot's of your issues are result of lack knowledge and skills. I suggest to make a one step back and start from reading and learning basics. Community around eZ Publish is a bit different then other competitor products, you will find here mostly professional working daily in Web industry. Thus having knowledge about eZ Publish core and Web technologies makes life much easier.

Please threat it as a warning (yellow card whatever) for future. We are willing to help and answer your questions, but please don't expect us and eZ Community members to build your project for you. You have to spend sometime and learn.


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cubby cub

Wednesday 26 August 2009 7:26:49 am

so it's about censorship and your hurt feelings? either you want honest feedback or you don't. you have stuff all over the place and you're blaming me for pointing out the lack of organization?

under the developer tab, you have a link to Projects and Contributions which takes you here.

But then you have What's the difference? Why two separate locations? You do this all over the place. You have a forum, articles, docs and tickets...all for the exact same subject and no clear direction for your site visitors which area is for what.

you didn't censor me because i was offensive. i didn't throw f-bombs, curse you/whomever "ez" is out. you censored me because you can't take honest, direct criticism. i dont care about your "yellow card" because the reality is, i didn't say anything to warrant it. you should have a "yellow card" for ignoring the fact that you've been getting the same complaints for years.

so are you going to censor the posting of the links below where people have said the exact same thing...over and over and over again? THIS IS AN AMAZING SCRIPT! there are very few like it. but what's the point of it being so amazing if you can't use it? if upgrading is a nightmare? read the posts on your site and stop censoring me for pointing out ez's flaws.

review this post from 2003 -

2004 - Read the entire thread, their complaints, are my complaints -

2004 - Read the last post -

2009 - Read the entire thread and how the original poster is blamed for having trouble with the script -

2009 - Read Kracker's post who says he's been using it for 7+ years -

Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way.

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 26 August 2009 9:48:06 am

<i>so it's about censorship and your hurt feelings? either you want honest feedback or you don't. you have stuff all over the place and you're blaming me for pointing out the lack of organization? </i>

Your language is just not acceptable. You have used offending words. And those were removed. User feedback is appreciate, and even better when it is constructive and valuable.
The comparisons you used against eZ Publish and eZ developers were offending. And that is not only mine opinion.

I can understand your frustration and probably deadline is close and a lot of work to do, but that does not give you right to use such obscure language on those forums. Feel free to criticise but weight your words please.

Also if you found eZ Publish to difficult to use you might switch and try something else. We do not force anybody to use eZ Publish. We live in the free world (with rules).

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

cubby cub

Wednesday 26 August 2009 11:18:48 am

whatever! my frustration has nothing to do with deadlines. it has to do with the fact that post after post where "ez" is being notified of a usability problem, the fault is placed on the user. thanks for proving my point with your reply.

Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way.

Tony Wood

Friday 28 August 2009 8:12:15 am

Hi Cubby,

I wanted to thank you for your passion and energy in the posts you sent in the community forums.

There are several great points that it would be great to have your continued input in:

- structure
- Admin interface structure and usability
- Step by step documentation

As you can imagine with a project like eZ Publish that has been running for over a decade there are several habits that occur that can be hard to break.
Myself and other members of the community (partners and other) are looking to help eZ Publish continue to be the best opensource content management tool for our needs.

<b> structure</b>
As you noted there are several areas that need some usability work.

The structure of is one that needs to be looked at. As from your comments does not met your needs. Your constructive comments are useful here, to create a solid user journey for a new eZ developer.

<b>Admin interface structure</b>
Again this is one part of eZ that has remained the same since midway through v3. v3.6 from memory. This is great for large web teams who have been able to have a reliable interface for many years. Unfortunately it means we do not get some of the changes we need to move eZ Publish forward.
The great news is the admin interface is being re-worked see Roadmap and your comments can go in with the other community members (refer to
Again your constructive comments will be useful here.

<b>Step by Step documentation</b>
The documentation has really improved over the last years and it will continue to do so. Partners and community members push for it. So again your pressure helps here.

<b>On etiquette</b>
As you can see you made great comments and obviously feel strongly about eZ Publish as you have spent your time to contribute in a few ways already.
I really hope that we are able to move forward from the initial comments that I am sure you did not mean in the way they came across.

I look forward to you being a regular contributor to the eZ Publish community. Your candour is fresh and useful for any community.

Kind Regards,


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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eZ debug

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