Forums / Suggestions / newbie / wishlist
Francis Nart
Tuesday 09 December 2003 3:00:41 am
I am new to ez publish but I have a few wishes already especially regarding the community.I think that it would be much better to leverage the community part of the project :
- display o roadmap of future versions / betas / wishlist - give more knowledge of contributions - put more light on consultancies ( for the typo3 cms is a very good exemple !) - give statistics ! (downloads, members...) This can give companies the assurance that ez publish is alive and for long !- help people to collaborate more easily on their copntributions creating alpha/beta/release distributions...
Aleksander Farstad
Tuesday 09 December 2003 3:59:10 am
Thanks for great input.
We are plannning to update both our website and especially the community section at the beginning of next year, and many of the suggestions you mention are alredy on our list.
Some quick number for you: Downloads: eZ publish downloads has the last 6 months been stable between 25 000 to 40 000 per month. There are more than 13 000 registered members in the eZ community.The website had in November more than 5 000 unique visitors in average per day, which was a new record.
So if anybody has any information about how we can improve the eZ publish community, please continue this discussion or send us an email at: info at ez dot no
Tuesday 09 December 2003 6:42:31 am
thanks for that very quick reply !
I am sure that the community is the best way to widen the acceptance of your product !
Best regards from France !
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