Forums / Suggestions / nice URLS

nice URLS

Author Message

Miguel Saturnino

Saturday 02 August 2003 7:45:44 am

first of all, congrats on your great CMS!

it would be very ince, if "nice urls" would translate accented chars into that same char without the accent, i.e. a "é" should be translated into a "e", a "ï" into a "i"... because as it is, the words make no sense if they happen to have one of these accented chars...



Selmah Maxim

Saturday 02 August 2003 11:30:53 pm

Bård Farstad

Sunday 03 August 2003 3:27:32 am

We're going to add support for automatic conversion of special characters to "translete" or normalized versions. E.g. the norwegian characters æ->ae, ø->oe and å->aa.

We should also normalize accented chars.

