Forums / Suggestions / Objects in list items

Objects in list items

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Bård Farstad

Wednesday 29 October 2003 7:24:52 am

There has been some discussion lately about having objects in list items.

Currently this is not supported, technically it's really no big problem to have support for this. Currently we support paragraphs and inline tags only.

The question is should we add support for this?
What are the pros and cons for having this?

<object id="42 />

We've used XHTML 2.0 as inspiration for our XML format:

Secondly we should consider tables, should they be supported in list items?

My concern is compatibility with other formats (exports etc) and not to bloat the XML format.

What do you think?



Alex Jones

Wednesday 29 October 2003 8:07:42 am

Well, according to spec tables are allowed within list items so they shouldn'tbe a problem in the way of validation. And while I cannot think of a time when I would want to use a table in a list item, someone else might...

I would like to see the ability to place objects within lists as it opens up some good layout capabilities.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Kai Duebbert

Wednesday 29 October 2003 6:30:53 pm

Just posted a reply to this:

I strongly vote for inclusion. :-)


Bård Farstad

Thursday 30 October 2003 1:09:15 am

Ok, we should then change the list item handling to support block level tags ( same as table cells ).

To change this is not a big deal, however we just need to make sure we've got backwards compatibility. This requires some coding and alot of testing.

As you probably see we don't have time to squeze this into 3.3, so we should but this on our things of thing todo for 3.4.

Kai: We've used the XHTML2 draft specification as an inspiration. This is not the format we use, but it has some good idèas. It focuses more on content and less on formatting, which is how we like it. One good thing is e.g. the use of <line></line> tag instead of the <br /> tag.


Bård Farstad

Thursday 30 October 2003 1:39:38 am

One good example of where we could use this which would not be related to formatting, but to content.

Let's say you want to have a list of persons. Then you would create a list with embedded person objects in the list items. The embedded persons could e.g. be displayed with name and a link to the person object.

