Forums / Suggestions / Online editors

Online editors

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Paul Forsyth

Friday 12 March 2004 1:38:13 pm

I'm on the cc list for the mozilla bug, and the last i heard the fix doesn't apply to midas, which is key for our online editor plans. I've asked for clarification on the mozilla bug list.

Bitflux has a had a few releases since i last looked.

Sorry for the lack of progress on this, its something i should try to get back into soon. I'll try to schedule some time next week.

Eirik, jeroen, will either of you be at the eZ conference this summer?


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 15 March 2004 2:00:42 am

Hi Paul,

[quote]Eirik, jeroen, will either of you be at the eZ conference this summer?[/quote]

I actually hadn't considered it yet, but I'm sure I'll be there.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Jeroen van Gorkum

Monday 15 March 2004 6:26:50 am

> Eirik, jeroen, will either of you be at the eZ conference this summer?

i'm not sure yet, but probably not.


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 18 March 2004 5:18:16 am

Sorry for not getting back to this more quickly.

On saturday there may be workshops and im about to post a thread asking for suggestions for workshops. Paul Borgermans has already posted a comment on the summer conference news item about a workshop on search engines. Online editors, and what to do about the situation, may be another.


Paul Forsyth

Friday 26 March 2004 7:44:43 am

This oe sounds interesting. Works in most browsers, and is also integrates with other cms systems. Has anyne experience with it?

Jeroen van Gorkum

Friday 26 March 2004 9:01:23 am

> Has anyne experience with it?

not me. i stumbled accross its parent, epoz, several times lately. they also ``hope to add code for integrating Epoz into Apache, MMBase, Interchange, and more in the near future'' and have an online demo & screenshots.



Jonathan Dillon-Hayes

Monday 12 April 2004 10:51:51 am

So, am I to assume that it's possible to mostly integrate dynarch's rte into eZ? We're using the OE for a client site right now, but my client took one look at it (I mean literally) and started ranting about how it wasn't production ready and lacked all the features that he's seen in competing products -- it was not a pleasant experience.

The OE, despite being quite cool from an engineering standpoint, really does lack from an out of the box perspective, and at 150 bucks, it's excessively expensive for what it gives you. We're not too stoked.

Is there a viable alternative, even if (for the moment) it's windows only???


FireBright provides advanced eZ deployment with root access

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 14 April 2004 11:04:38 am

A thought occurred to me today that allows pretty much any free html editor to work with eZ right now. I've just tried the latest htmlarea and it works fine with this method.

Instead of xml text fields use regular text fields. They accept anything thats entered into them. So if you attach an html editor the text field will accept any html thats entered.

Integration with other eZ components like adding images, custom tags etc still need to worked on but the basic html editor is there right now. The instructions i gave earlier in this thread for htmlarea still work.

What do you think? Worth pursuing?


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Wednesday 14 April 2004 11:31:48 am

Hi Paul,

Ironically, this sounds like a great idea. (I would hate it if the solution is that simple, though... :))

It might be a good idea then to copy the text field datatype, name it something like WYSIWYG text field. I'm guessing that the "view" view of the datatype also would have to be edited (simply removing the wash operator) to ensure that the HTML is formatted properly and not displayed as HTML code.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 14 April 2004 11:55:35 am

I don't think we need another datatype, the regular text field works fine. You are right, the template view may need to be overrident to remove the wash operator, or perhaps another html friendly wash operator could be used to strip unwanted code.

Give it a shot and see what you think.

I think htmlarea is our best shot for an editor right now because its interface (buttons above a textarea) is the closest to the ez oe. Kopu has a larger gui and may need customisation. Ideally i would love to have browser integration, with a toolbar on the top controlling the oe functions, just like a regular word processor. I don't like the buttons-above-textarea on every text area widget approach. Of course this boils down to client-side as apposed to server-side as it is right now...

I haven't a clue why i didn't think of this before!



Alex Jones

Wednesday 14 April 2004 12:19:41 pm

This would be tremdously helpful! I will try it out on a new internal site I am developing see how useful it could be on development sites.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Alex Jones

Wednesday 14 April 2004 3:04:22 pm

Well I threw HTMLARea into my internal documentation site and it seems to do the trick. It isn't perfect yet as I will need to move stuff around to figure out the ideal configuration. But, if anyone else wants to do it, the important parts are:
1. Download and install HTMLArea (i.e. unzip it into your Web directory)
2. Copy and past the HTMLArea code from an example page into the admin pagelayout.tpl
3. Edit the path to HTMLArea at the top of the code you just inserted
4. Edit design/admin/templates/content/datatype/view/eztext.tpl to remove the wash operator
5. As always, clear cache.

It seems pretty straightforward all in all, but it is important to note that this system is not XHTML Strict compliant, which may not matter to everyone. Using this product also eliminates the use of XML to separate content and style. I am still not positive if I will actually deploy this on our internal site for those two reasons, but it is promising.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 15 April 2004 12:16:40 am

Hi guys,

<i>I don't think we need another datatype, the regular text field works fine.</i>

The reason why I suggested creating a new datatype was to preserve the default behaviour of the textfield datatype. However, if one doesn't need the default text field behaviour, this is of course not neccessary.

<i>You are right, the template view may need to be overrident to remove the wash operator, or perhaps another html friendly wash operator could be used to strip unwanted code.</i>

It would be ideal if one could pass html to the wash parameter instead og xhtml, but currently, that's not the case.

<i>Give it a shot and see what you think.</i>

I just set up a demo site and tried out out and it worked like a charm (with IE, of course)!

<i>It seems pretty straightforward all in all, but it is important to note that this system is not XHTML Strict compliant, which may not matter to everyone.</i>

In my experience, it doesn't, at least not yet, and at least not to most people. I will definetly be using this in future projects (provided that the clients understands what they're giving up, of course).


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 15 April 2004 12:21:20 am

Hi again,

What would be really great now is an "extension" to htmlarea link and image pop-ups, integrating the possibility of selecting nodes and images from within the ezp hierarchy.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Paul Forsyth

Thursday 15 April 2004 12:56:54 am

Im going to add the editor from: to pubsvn today, with extension setup and install instructions. I dont think the popup image editor will function properly, but hopefully it will pop up :)


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Thursday 15 April 2004 1:08:22 am

Hi Paul,

<i>Im going to add the editor from: to pubsvn
today, with extension setup and install instructions.</i>

That sounds great. I'd totally forgotten about this great version of the editor.

<i>I dont think the popup image editor will function properly, but hopefully it will pop up :)</i>

Hehe :), it probably will.

However, it shouldn't be too difficult to modify the PHP script fetching images to having it fetch content object attributes of the image datatype instead. Also, the directory structure should probably be replaced with the node hierarchy.


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Paul Forsyth

Thursday 15 April 2004 3:27:57 am

Ok, i've added a basic extension on pubsvn. Its here:

The html editor works as expected. I've included design views for the textarea to remove the wash operator by default.

I've hacked something together to get the Image Manager to pop up. But it doesn't work. The main problem is synching the directory
structures the javascript likes to use with the module-based structure of eZ. I've only made the initial strart to this. But it
looks promising.

Let me know if it works for you, and how you get on.


Here is the documentation I've written for it.

eZ HTML Editor

This is an attempt at providing a simple inline server-side html editor for eZ publish. 
It is largely based upon htmlarea (, using the image manager 
from to extend it.

Please read the forum thread about online editors for further info:


-THIS ONLY WORKS ON TEXTFIELD ATTRIBUTES. It does *not* work with xmltextfields.

- Currently only simple html works. 

- Instructions are included to show the Image Manager but it is fiddly and doesn't work, though
it does pop up. Fitting the pop up scheme into the eZ module structure will take more time than
i've given it this morning ;)

To install
1. Add the ezhtmleditor as a normal extension, adding it to your site.ini file.

2. Within the pagelayout for your admin design, usually located at: design/admin/templates/pagelayout.tpl 
from your ez root directory add this code to the file:

Within <head> enter

<script type="text/javascript">
   _editor_url = "/extension/ezhtmleditor/htmlarea/";
   _editor_ezurl = 'http://{ezini("SiteSettings","SiteURL")}/';
   _editor_lang = "en";

<script type="text/javascript" src="/extension/ezhtmleditor/htmlarea/htmlarea.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    //load the ImageManage + Editor plug-in

    var editor = new HTMLArea("editor");

   //the rest of your HTMLArea initialisation.

And add this onload command to the body tag:

<body onLoad="javascript:HTMLArea.replaceAll();">


a) To get the basics of the ImageManager working you need to add the correct SiteURL for your admin
interface. Within the siteaccess site.ini for the admin design enter the correct SiteURL for your site, eg:


SiteName=My Admin

Or use a proper host name. For Window pop ups the Image Manager needs an absolute url to use, otherwise 
eZ displays the wrong display. WIth this url the javascript function appends a path to the correct module.

b) For the pop up to work you need to symbolic link the ez module to the module file within the htmlarea image manager 
plugin. For example, on linux:

cd ezhtmleditor/modules
ln -s ../htmlarea/plugins/ImageManager .

For Windows i guess the quickest thing is to copy the whole ImageManager directory to the modules directory.

Paul Forsyth

Friday 16 April 2004 7:23:11 am

Now i've had a look at the code i think i need to create a small api for online editors. It appears that i need to move code around to make sure the paths are correct and to remove the need for symbolic links amongst other things. I really hate having to redo code when a version is upgraded and it looks like we need something in place to let us upgrade correctly and quickly, so an api is needed. This will also let us try other html editors :)

I've some free time in the next week so i'll try to get this out sharpish. I've three priorities:

1. Create a small API (small)
2. Get the editor functional - all buttons/popus should work. (big)
3. Look at xhtml/xml for the textarea. (bigger!)

Im hoping number 3 will just be using bits from the existing xml routines. Im also hoping xhtml correctness is something the editor is able to do, pretty much out of the box...



Alex Jones

Friday 16 April 2004 8:27:09 am

That's great Paul! Thanks for working on it.

I uninstalled HTMLArea from my internal site and installed the extension version from pubsvn, and it works. So I am excited to see it move forward. Let me know if I can help. I may not be of much use on the API side of things, but perhaps I can help with XHTML compliance etc.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Mark Marsiglio

Friday 16 April 2004 10:42:55 am

I am excited about the prospect of having the flexibility to use this in new projects. A few questions come to mind though -
1) If my content on current sites use the XMLTextField, can this be changed to Textfield? What are the ramifications of doing this when content of a particular class is already XML?
2) Can object relations still be added in the HTMLArea editor? You mention that the image pop-up is buggy. Do images have to be uploaded to a webserver prior and hard coded into the page?
Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 30 2025 20:30:56
Script start
Timing: Jan 30 2025 20:30:56
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 30 2025 20:30:56
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 30 2025 20:30:56
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime0.4666 sec
Peak memory usage8,192.0000 KB
Database Queries141

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0123 588.3281370.3125
Module start 'content' 0.01230.0419 958.64061,033.9922
Module end 'content' 0.05410.4124 1,992.63283,924.1797
Script end 0.4665  5,916.8125 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.01713.6605200.0009
Check MTime0.00200.4179200.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00050.098810.0005
Looping result0.00190.41011390.0000
Template Total0.411888.210.4118
Template load0.00100.211110.0010
Template processing0.410888.032110.4108
Cache load0.00080.160910.0008
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00471.003810.0047
Image XML parsing0.00030.061310.0003
String conversion0.00000.001330.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 1
 Number of unique templates used: 1

Time used to render debug report: 0.0004 secs