Wednesday 01 October 2003 1:29:46 pm
Great, We need a polling/voting thing (as it starts appearing now in svn) after a while to give feedback on what to prioritize in our view. I also think a phpBB style layout is needed for finding our way in this discussion Below my broad categorisation attempt to the last section (future features of ez publish):
* Client like (like Ximian Evolution or WebSphere)
* Tasklist (outlook like)
* Project management
* Addresses (outlook like)
* File exchange between users
* VCard support
---comments on groupware: Groupware needs to be user friendly, so I would pop in some other free to use items in DHTML to enhance GUI elements. I know ez does not want to depend on DHTML, but there are things that are very heavy to do in xhtml + php. I need to state again that there is a need for custom defined variable passing between templates (to change the sort order for tables and lists for instance) I think other extensions to the kernel/modules are pretty minimal.
===End user/editor features and enhancements===
* Spell checker
* "My section" or "My page"
* Home directory
* Online editor for Linux
* There should be a desktop edition for eZp3
* Easier way to link keywords to various stuff
* Better object relation
* WebDAV support for a lot of other things (articles, etc.)
---comments: There is substantial development needed here, except for "My page/Home"
===Developer stuff===
* SOAP (as a bridge to other applications and data)
* Flash (means better flash support for GUI tasks?)
* Some way of validating code that comes out of eZ publish (Que?)
* Dynamic roles & groups
* The code seems to be poorly documented
* Template versioning.
* WebDAV support for template up/downloading + a lot of other things (articles, etc.) * A much better/more informative roadmap that clearly states eZ systems goals. A map that explains what we're going to do and how long we will stick with a structure, etc. Users have to know what happens, where and why. Key word: seemless integration.
===Configuration, setup and the likes ===
* Support for import/export of site
* All languages available from the admin interface using a dropdown box (webspehere)
* The database upgrade thing is not easy to use, not that easy to upgrade an eZp site from one version to another. * Apache/MySQL/PHP setup should be MINIMIZED! (also goes for config file hacking)
* Comment (messages) to user group
* Better statistics/logging * User objects (don't understand this)
===Missing with respect to my notes===
* Roles/permissions on attribute level
* Class inheritance of some sort (or at least "virtual" classes which are collections of other classes)
* speed enhancements (announced already for 3.3)
* more notification/collaboration handlers and types (also announced for 3.3) * search engine improvements (try to find something back on without using google ... ) -paul
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training