Thursday 01 February 2007 9:39:36 pm
<i>When will you use a eZ component from an eZ publish extension?</i>
I had been asking myself the question for a while and was not supprized to find Kristof the first person I had heard of creating an eZ component through and extension! <i></i> The first requirement quickly becomes using php5, the second being using the eZ publish php5port (community supported) which provides php5 support in eZ + components, the third is an idea of what you might create using all three. It make sense when you think about it for a moment. If you want to get a head start using components with eZ publish. With a little work it's pretty clear you can! It would be interesting to hear from others their thoughts and inspirations on this topic. //kracker <i>Sole : Crisis</i>
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