Saturday 21 April 2007 9:55:52 am
Hello ez community, I am a web developer who has two clients with similar site self-management needs. I have zero first hand experience but believe CMS is the right approach for them and would appreciate your advice. Both clients want me to design/setup their web sites using my page design and navigation templates. The sites are information oriented, no selling. One site wants to keep an updatable member list and provide online sign up for events (no online payment required). Both site owners want to periodically update the page contents - text, graphics and spreadsheet tables. Neither of these clients has coding experience (translate as code-phobic) and they both want an MS Word/Excel type of input method for their sites. I would appreciate your advice as to whether ezPublish (or perish the thought) another cms system is right for this project.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, RockDoc