Thursday 26 June 2003 6:09:06 am
It works fine now. I restored the database and used the correct sql script.
"dbupdate is not necessary from 3.1.0-2 to 3.1-1 (Thursday 26 June 2003 11:20:47 am), by Mads Buus Jensen
If you've already run the updates up until 3.1 beta 2, you can skip the updates. It is just a wrong naming og the file. The dbupdate-3.1.0-2-to-3.1-1.sql file is just dbupdate-3.0-2-to-3.1.0-1.sql and dbupdate-3.1.0-1-to-3.1.0-2.sql together, so it should have been named dbupdate-3.0-2-to-3.1-1.sql :-).
Thanks for another great release of this software. Regards, Mads "