Friday 18 March 2005 3:50:03 pm
I've installed a fresh copy of eZ publish, I've
run through the wizard and chosen the 'plain'
site. The plain site works fine. Now I want to build an additional site.
<b>Q: What is the recommended way to create
multiple, independent sites using the same ez installation, but separate databases?</b>
ie. the following sites should have different users, content, design and databases:
localhost/index.php/site1 localhost/index.php/site2
I've read through the documentation and the
forums, but I haven't had any luck with the
suggestions I've found. I apologize if I've missed something.
<b>Approach #1</b> - I've tried running the wizard
again, and that seems to work, but it always
overwrites the
settings/override/site.ini.append.php - forcing me
to manually add my existing sites to SiteList and
AvailableSiteAccessList. <b>Is this the recommended approach?</b>
<b>Approach #2</b> - I've also tried:
- Create a new database
- Load kernel_schema.sql and cleandata.sql
- Copy the plain and plain_admin folders to new
- Rename them to site2 and site2_admin
- Change any references in
siteaccess\site2\site.ini.append.php and
from 'plain' to 'site2'
- Point the Database settings to my new database
- Add site2 to SiteList and AvailableSiteAccessList
settings in the settings/override/site.ini.append.php file. - Clear all the caches thru the admin interface.
This second approach doesn't work for me... when I
load the user page at localhost/index.php/site2 I
get "Error kernel (3)" and "Object is Unavailable"
and when I load the admin site at
localhost/index.php/site2_admin, the main page
shows "The requested page could not be displayed.
(3)" and there is no way to add any new content. I
get the same error when I click on User Accounts,
so I can't add users. Obviously I'm missing some
content, but I don't know how to populate it without using the Wizard as described above.
Ideally I'd like a commandline approach rather
than the wizard, as I'd like to automate as much of the process as possible.
My Details:
Installed eZ 3.5.1 from scratch
Windows 2003 (for now)
Apache 1.3.33 (not using virtual host for now)
MySQL Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.9 I'm using URI-based site access for now.
Thanks for any guidance... sorry if this post put you to sleep! Colin