Roy Bøhmer
Sunday 07 August 2005 11:37:38 am
I found this thread, but I still need some more hints. Can I group by a custom date/time attribute? How? It seems like it only picks the first node - more like a 'unique' kind of function. I would like it to return an array containing one array for each group. Enlight me, please :) - roy
Conrad Chu
Tuesday 14 February 2006 4:35:19 pm
I don't know the usage myself, but I did find an example of it here Inside /design/standard/templates/toolbar/full/calendar.tpl:
{set month_list=fetch( content, calendar, hash( parent_node_id,$log_node.node_id,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, $class_identifier_list,
attribute_filter, array( and, array( 'published', '>=',
$time_start ),
array( 'published', '<=',
$time_end ) ), group_by, array( "published", "day" ) ) )