Wednesday 16 February 2011 4:45:20 am
Andre - thanks for the quick reply. I'm sorry for my late one. There doesn't seem to be any information regarding AvailableViewModes, so I'm not sure what this does. AvailableClasses works like a charm, but now my embeds come out with a different wrapping class but still use the same embed template. I make som checks in my template based upon what classes come in, but would much rather create seperate templates for them. Any hints on this? Edit: It seems I can use classification as a match in override.ini to do what I want. So that it nice. Would still like to know what AvailableViewModes does. ref:
Match[classification]=article_large_frontpage Where article_large_frontpage is listed as AvailableClasses[]=article_large_frontpage under [embed] in content.ini