Please no more newness until reaching a stability

Author Message

Zoltan Szabo

Sunday 02 November 2003 10:24:24 am

Some comments about 3.2-3.

During the Summer (and Autumn) I had a bad feeling about eZp, that there is not exist a "new, but stable" version.
I didn't want to begin to build my site with 2.2, because there were a lot of good things in 3.
But I had to discover that the 3 series are in a "development" stage, even the "stable" versions.
I always had to do some bug fixes manually, even in the new versions again and again.
[Let me not to mention the things concerning to my beloved PostgreSQL... ]
So I was very glad when I read that the eZp crew changed it's way and tried to make a "really stable" version.

But my first impressions were not very fine. Maybe it's just the surface, but...

Please give a
grep ezcontentobject.section ezcontentobjecttreenode.php
command in kernel/classes.
Do you think that
$filterField = 'ezcontentobject.section';
(twice) is not a typo? (The name of this field is section_id in the table...)
I wrote a bug report about this for some weeks, but it remained the same in 3.2-2 and 3.2-3 too.

Another one:
For me the quality of the postgresql updates shows if it worth to change to this new version,
or was it done precipitately, quickly. Usually postgresql is not as well maintained as mysql :(
Is it a correct database update in 3.2-3? (This is the ONLY line in dbupdate-3.2-2-to-3.2-3.sql)
UPDATE ezsite_data SET value='2' WHERE name='ezpublish-release';

Of course, it's not a serious bug, but in mysql it's fine (value='3'),
and the posgresql side is motherless again.

What is this
in workflow.ini? And why can't I find a
line in it?

I suggest you to release a 3.2-4 without any other changes but with a lot of bug fixes.

Paul Borgermans

Sunday 02 November 2003 12:47:44 pm

From what I see, the 3.2-3 is there to weed out a pretty long list of critical bugfixes which was originally not planned at all (straight to 3.3 instead). Not everything was fixed according to my own priorities for 3.2-3 either. There are no new features, only bug fixes.

I can imagine quite a few bugs did not receive the attention required, but I don't mind non-criticals are left out for now. (disclaimer, I don't know how postgress is faring)

With respect to the overall state, for me it is only from 3.2 I feel it is on firsts steps out of the development stage and into maturity. Luckily, the development is not to stop with respect to fundamental missing features --- which can be even more annoying if you try to implement what you think should be obvious or trivial.

The event types about paynet should not be there, that's part of some custom-contract work. The publishontime event indeed is missing in the basic workflow.ini (which should include all standard available types)

Keep on bug-reporting, if possible with a fix. It's open source after all


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Borgermans

Monday 03 November 2003 2:08:22 pm

Bumped on a nasty bug with ezmultiplexer (reported more than enough the past months), so forget fine grained workflow. Damn, delayed deployment until this gets fixed.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 15:04:40
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