Forums / Developer / Can't display nodes ---

Can't display nodes ---

Author Message

bs jeong

Saturday 17 May 2003 10:56:43 pm

Can't really explain why, in {let} '265' is parent node id, '33' is class id what i want to display. nation(class id 33) is my class that desc nation information.

I want to display only nation information.
There is many element in parent node(265), link, articals and nation(my class), but i want to nation class to display

It's my source code in file line_class_33.tpl
-----source code-----
{* set children variable *}
{let childen=fetch('content',list,hash(parent_node_id ,265 ,class_filter_type, include, class_filter_array, array(33)))}

{* loop children and show line view *}
{section name=Child loop=$children}
{node_view_gui view=line content_node=$}<br>


Paul Forsyth

Sunday 18 May 2003 1:54:49 am

Have you checked that the Anonymous user role allows you to view your new class? By default it doesn't allow this.


bs jeong

Monday 19 May 2003 6:41:03 am

Thank you Paul..

Anonymous user role checked that the Anonymous user role allows read all class - content read *
Is my source code ok???
read change read all classHave you checked that the Anonymous user role allows you to view your new class? By default it doesn't allow this.

Paul Forsyth

Monday 19 May 2003 7:08:29 am

Not sure, your fetch line looks fine. Have you tried to look at the array produced to see if it contain anything using


It might be a problem with your line_view...

The other day I tried using a latest trunk version of ez3 and i had a similar issue in that my fetch simply wouldnt return any objects of my new class. Editing the roles gave me weird results and in the end i went back to using the stable branch. Not sure if this applies to you but thought id mention it.


Scot Wilcoxon

Monday 19 May 2003 11:46:03 am

Using |attribute(show) I see my Folder has an array, but no children. I suspect the Articles in my Folder are not children, therefore fetch(...parent_node_id) does not find them because without being children they can not have parents. I haven't found the definition of what is child of what, but you might look at your items for this.