Saturday 17 May 2003 12:11:12 pm
Kernel/content/search.php and kernel/content/advancedsearch.php have a hard coded variable named $pageLimit which determines the number of search results displayed before offsets are used and split over pages. Since there is already code within these files to use a varariable named 'SearchLimit' it seems sensible to allow the user to define this limit. For example i have this code now inside these files: $pageLimit = 10;
if ( $http->hasVariable( "SearchLimit" ) and
$http->variable( "SearchLimit" ) != -1 )
$pageLimit = $http->variable( "SearchLimit" ); } I've just published a bug regarding searching which is related to this, although not mentioned in the bug report: If I wish to limit the search using SearchContentClassID with smaller page limit than 10, and there are more articles found with the search than the page limit it will use offsets to show the remainder. However, because of this bug other results from other classes will be included in the result which takes it over page limit. This seems to be at the root of this filed bug: This seems evident on the ez site and the svn stable 2450 stable release i am using. Any chance of a fix on this? Paul