Forums / Developer / Dynamic gallery image thumbnails enlargement

Dynamic gallery image thumbnails enlargement

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Romeo Antony

Tuesday 01 June 2010 1:35:35 am

First upon sorry for this long post. I want to clear everyone who read this issue.That is why I explain in a simple way by lot of steps

1. I want to enlarge thumbnail pictures in a dynmaic gallery block.

In website I have created dynamic gallery block with 3 contents.

It working fine.I can display thumbnail images in site.

for that I created gallery class , in gallery class in gallry class I put images as image class.

In template file of dynamic block this images displayed by

{node_view_gui view='block_item' image_class='block2items1' content_node=$valid_nodes[0]} /*this is for first image thumbnial to display */

To enlarge this displayed thumbnail , my only option is css or javascript.

My issue I will show u by example.

1 option I am trying by css(hover property)

<a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img
src="my image should be here" width="100px" height="66px" border="0"
/><span><img src="media/tree.jpg" /><br />Simply

I am taking it from {node_view_gui view='block_item' image_class='block2items1' content_node=$valid_nodes[0]}

So I do not have any <img> attribute in gallry template file to apply css to enlarge it.

2 option if I am trying javascript I need the <img> attribute to apply javascript to enlarge it.


<div id="apDiv3"><a href="#" onmouseover="increaseSizeImage('image2');"

onmouseout="decreaseSizeImage('image2');"><img id="image2"

src="rr.jpg" width="100" height="75" alt="color" id="image2" /></a></div>

But in template file I am using

{node_view_gui view='block_item' image_class='block2items1' content_node=$valid_nodes[0]}

that means I do not have <img> attribute.So How do I apply javascript to enlarge it.

My only way is by

<b><span class="line"><a href={"/"|ezurl}><img src={"imagename"|ezimage} /></a>  

But my image is not in ezimage it is an image class and display it by node_view_gui

Anyone who know this please clear me.