Tuesday 03 June 2003 7:09:33 am
I have installed ezPublish 3.0-2 on Unix. The installation seems to be going smoothly. The database is created as it should be, so I thought everything was well. So, I go to the login-screen to see some action. I get the login-form. So far, everything is ok. But, when I enter my login info en hit 'Login', I get this error:
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below. -----
There is NO debug output... I get this same message when I try to create a user. I can enter the user information, but, as soon as I hit 'sign up' (or whatever the button says), I get the same error message. The new user however, does appear in the database (the way it should be, I guess). I'm stuck here.
----- Here's what I have done to try and solve the problem:
* I have installed it a few times now and still I get this error message.
* I have installed ezPublish 3.0-2 locally (WindowsXP) and everything works fine (just to check if the files were ok)
* I have downloaded several versions, but each time the same error * I've opened site.ini and checked if everything was ok. Pretty weird, because no information I entered during installation was in the site.ini file. I've searched some more and in the file 'site.ini.append.php' I found the correct information. I thought the correct information was supposed to be in the 'site.ini' file?? Anyways, I entered the correct information in the 'site.ini' file and still I cannot login. What on earth can I to make it work? Or am I just having some bad luck?