Forums / Install & configuration / cjw newsletter, no mails sent

cjw newsletter, no mails sent

Author Message

Patrick Maynard

Thursday 14 October 2010 2:08:12 am

I have installed cjw_newsletter, the test newsletter works, but the newsletter is not sent.
The mail for subscribe is not sent anymore.
I use a smtp server in my enterprise.
After the cronjob for mailqueue create, the message is :

Using siteaccess fre for cronjob
Running cronjob part 'cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create'
Running extension/cjw_newsletter/cronjobs/cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create.php at: 13/10/2010 15:17
START: cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create
>> START: check nl users with status STATUS_PENDING_EZ_USER_REGISTER
>>> NlUser Objects with STATUS_PENDING_EZ_USER_REGISTER found: 0
>> END: check nl users
>> START: check NlEditionSend objects with status STATUS_WAIT_FOR_PROCESS
>>> NlEditionSend objects with STATUS_WAIT_FOR_PROCESS found: 1
## Procsessing: cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create - sendObjectId: 5
++ Find SubscriptionObjects with STATUS_APPROVED: 2
++ [SEND_ITEM][1] create new sendItem id: 5
++ [SEND_ITEM][2] create new sendItem id: 6
+ [STATUS_MAILQUEUE_CREATED] 2 sendItems has be processed (create / or do nothing) SendId: 5
>> END: check NlEditionSend objects
END: cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create
Completing extension/cjw_newsletter/cronjobs/cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create.php at: 13/10/2010 15:17
Elapsed time: 00:00:00

After the cronjob for process the message is :
Using siteaccess fre for cronjob
Running cronjob part 'cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_process'
Running extension/cjw_newsletter/cronjobs/cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_process.php at: 13/10/2010 15:18
START: cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_process
50.0% [SEND] 1/2 Newsletter send item 5 processed.
100.0% [SEND] 2/2 Newsletter send item 6 processed.

END: cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_process
Completing extension/cjw_newsletter/cronjobs/cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_process.php at: 13/10/2010 15:18
Elapsed time: 00:00:00

The cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php looks like :

<?php /* #?ini charset="utf-8"? */

# NodeId of container where the system is looking for newsletter systems
RootFolderNodeId=300 (it's the id of newletter root)

# test newsletter

# Configuration for SMTP
SmtpTransportServer=10.... (ip of my smtp server)

# settings for mail send out by subscribe, unsubscribe
EmailSender=mail of the admin
EmailSenderName=gestionnaire de la newsletter

# string the subject of all mails is starting with
EmailSubjectPrefix=[object of newsletter]

*/ ?>


I have an another question :
I create the newsletter from admin interface, I have the subscription form available for anonymous and I would like the display of the newsletter in frontend for anonymous in a rubric.


Is it better to post here or on for questions about an extension ?

Thank you.

Patrick Maynard

Thursday 14 October 2010 4:33:40 am

Hello !

I have forgotten two parameters in cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php :

# newsletter
# subscribe, infomail

It works fine !

Now my problem is to display the content of a newsletter on the frontend in a rubric of the site, like other documents.

Best regards.