Forums / Install & configuration / Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource.

Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource.

Author Message

Valentin Svelland

Monday 10 November 2003 2:58:13 am

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray Nov 10 2003 11:40:33
Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray, tried files Nov 10 2003 11:40:33
array(14) {
string(47) "design/standard/templates/sitemap_politicians.tpl"
string(48) "design//override/templates/sitemap_politicians.tpl"

Anyone of you guys had similar output on your debug? Seems like the path to my overrides aren't found..

James Stacey

Wednesday 12 November 2003 7:18:10 am

Help, I'm getting the same have you worked anything out yet?

Tore Skobba

Tuesday 25 November 2003 3:42:58 am


I also get it (for sitemap and other templates).. But everything seems to work fine fine.


Luc Chase

Thursday 27 November 2003 7:25:04 am

Same error here (new installation of ezp). I upgraded from a previous version using the same .ini files so that may be part of the problem.
In my case I found that editing the line in site.ini

helps with this error.

The Web Application Service Provider

James Stacey

Thursday 27 November 2003 7:51:54 am

I was getting the same error on 3 differant appache servers, i got around it in the end by installing the complete EZ package with php and apache bundled in. everything was fine after that.

Luc Chase

Thursday 27 November 2003 8:11:14 am

my install has a /design/sitename/templates/shop/ directory. In a previous version of ezp it would find the templates in the shop directory, but not in the latest version I have to add the extra sub-directory path name to the MatchFile setting, in the overrides.ini.append file

The Web Application Service Provider