Monday 10 November 2003 8:40:01 am
Hi, I've the same problem. I can't figure out where the problem is. I've tried it under windows and linux.
I use the this code in my pagelout.tpl:
{cache-block keys=array('some_name',$uri_string,$current_user.contentobject_id) expiry=86400}
{ ... some code here ... } {/cache-block} -> yes, i deleted the cache many times. The very strange thing is: Only on some pages the error occurs. Sometimes on some pages cache-block works as expected.
Cache deleted.
load /content/view/full/444 in browser
error occurs.
reload. error occurs.
load /content/view/full/445 in browser
error don't occurs.
error don't occurs. (same pagelout.tpl is used) -> it doesn't matter which content class is used by the node. I've figured out that the missing cache-file can't be created because the last subdir (in your case var/kommune/cache/template-block/4/0/6/) wasn't created. So I think the bug is in the directory-creation part.
Kind regards, Emil.
Best wishes,
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