Forums / Install & configuration / Integrating EzPublish with a established forum-site?

Integrating EzPublish with a established forum-site?

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HP Wilhelmsen

Sunday 27 February 2005 8:16:47 am


I'm going to setup EzPublish to handle articles and news on 2(maybe 3) communities. These sites are powered by vBulletin. A integration of users is needed, and permissions would also be nice, but not requierd.

Has anyone done a integretion with Ez 3.5 and vb3?


Sunday 27 February 2005 9:29:43 am

In general I would recommend to you doing it a different way.

I would import all you usres and thread into eZ and use eZ to replace all your 3 vb communities.

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HP Wilhelmsen

Sunday 27 February 2005 10:04:27 am


Ez is among the best CMS's out there, but can not replace the functionality of a vbulletin forum - so that approach is totaly out of the question ;)

HP Wilhelmsen

Sunday 27 February 2005 10:46:12 am

Anyone tried it the other way round? Making vbulletin users be "first level" users of ez? Authors should require seperate login-data in my opinion.

Simon Phillips

Sunday 27 February 2005 10:50:28 am

This really shouldn't be all that hard - I'm trying to work on a generic solution at the moment as I see this as <b>crucial</b> to ezPublish being a useful solution to a wide range of developers with differing needs.

Anyone who claims that ezPublish can replace the functionality provided by established forum software clearly doens't use <b>proper</b> forums all that often. Yes, eZ can handle threaded discussions. Whoopee-do. That's pretty much all it can do, on top of permissions.

And yes, I realise that one <i>could</i> customise the templates and forum functionailty to provide everything that software like vB does; but that's rather like suggesting one could code a solution from scratch in php. Just because one can with weeks of time, it isn't exactly feasable in the short term.

Anyway, enough of that.

To integrate ezPublish with third party software, as I see it, the following 3 things are required:

1. Synchronisation of users between 3rd party software and ezPublish. It's fairly easy to import the userbase to ezPublish, or to have eZPublish add a new user to another database/table (ie the 3rd party one) when users are added or edited. Getting the third-party software to update the relevant user details within eZPublish on a user edit in the third-party software is much harder - and probably worth disabling. I'm currently working on triggers and workflows to easily allow user syndication on a user add/edit/delete within eZPublish

2. Synchonisation of logons & logoffs - ensure that the sessions and logon code for the third party software is activated when a user logs in and our of ezPublish. Again, this is an issue of triggers and workflows. It's more complicated because eZ doesn't ship with triggers for logon/logoff, but a simple kernel hack should work. (again, I'm on the case)

3. Common user interface. Depending on how skinnable the third party software is, this should be pretty easy. Embedding it all in a ezPublish template seems like it could be a nightmare to me - so the best way seems to seperate the runtime code entirely, and ensure that the user edit/logon/logoff buttons all point to the ezPublish ones - easy enough.

Anyway, work to do...


Gabriel Ambuehl

Sunday 27 February 2005 11:10:17 am

Simon, I use a lot of forum software regularly (phpBB and some custom brews for the most parts). I'd really like to hear what features you're really missing from ezpublish. I have a few on my own list (like threaded display of forums which isn't particularly hard and possible private messaging) but far and by large I don't think it would be such a herculean task...

And frankly, I haven't found a forum that I'd say is good just some that are less bad than others. I mean many can't even do proper threading (I think this "trend" started in the UBB days :-(.


kracker (the)

Sunday 27 February 2005 11:36:35 am

Loud Horn ...

Wrong! If you really compare ez publish forums, feature for feature, against any other forum package, it becomes clear with the large sets of features missing , eZ publish forums are the little kid on the side of the basketball court dreaming for the day when it grows up.

I believe it will, one day. It's a long road to these goals, it' ain't e-Z being green. Till that time we build list of things we fear will never happen. Here is one i wrote a while back and it's only a ruff overview (ez vs vBulletin), if i really did a feature per feature comparison (eeeh, not pretty) :

   4. eZ publish : forum : templates - Updated eZ publish forum functionality + templates
      to provide common forums functionality inside of eZ publish directly.

    * Better forum searching (ezsearch)
    * Better forum user options

   1. Disable Toggles: Avatar/Picture, Signature, Posted Name / Company Name (Toggle)
   2. Search / List a specific Users posts ( i want to see all of kracker's posts in a list )

    * Forum Soft Sorting (Sticky), Dynamically Shift Sort / Display Order (3 levels), 
       By Date Posted, Date Updated, Most Active, Least Active
    * Expanded Forum Views

   1. Per Category (Latest Messages (user configurable thread limit 5 - 50) )
   2. Root Category (Latest Messages (user configurable thread limit 5 - 50) )
   3. Per Thread (User Thread Display limit (currently static) (10 - 25 Replies),
   4. Deep linking to a specific post in a 2 - 5 page thread does not link to the last page w/ to the post.
   5. Per Thread / Per Reply Title Should be a href link without 
      style to be bookmark able directly (currently it's not)


Counting Crows : Ghost Train

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

HP Wilhelmsen

Sunday 27 February 2005 11:38:57 am

phpBB can not be compared with vBulletin.

vBulletin features that I - and my users cannot live without:
* Private messages
* Reputation / private postfeedback system
* Forumadministration and permissions
* Moderatingsystem
* Templatesystems and conditionals for the forums
* Smilies, attatchments, signatures, profiles, themes, per-user preferances and per-user options

Simon: Looking forward to your 3rd party integration program. But one thing regarding user-editing: vbulletin has a complex user management system with lots of options, so vbulletin must handle its own users.

Shared Username and password is no problem.

vbulletin is developing its own CMS, not about to be released anytime soon, and I think it will take some time - if ever - for it to reach Ez standards. So I'm going for Ez now. My current solution is to use ez userhandling for editors and CMS administration only.

Gabriel Ambuehl

Sunday 27 February 2005 12:02:15 pm

Private messages:
That needs a feature that would be otherwise useful: permissions based on the owner of the parent node. If that was supported, you could simply allow users to create (but not read!) messages below other users account.

* Better forum searching (ezsearch)

Searching is a hot topic itself.

* Better forum user options
1. Disable Toggles: Avatar/Picture, Signature, Posted Name / Company Name (Toggle)

Comparatively simple. Add some options to the user class and query them from templates.

2. Search / List a specific Users posts ( i want to see all of kracker's posts in a list )

That should be pretty simple, too (it's essentially a fetch of forum messages owned by kracker).

* Forum Soft Sorting (Sticky), Dynamically Shift Sort / Display Order (3 levels),
By Date Posted, Date Updated, Most Active, Least Active
* Expanded Forum Views

1. Per Category (Latest Messages (user configurable thread limit 5 - 50) )
2. Root Category (Latest Messages (user configurable thread limit 5 - 50) )
3. Per Thread (User Thread Display limit (currently static) (10 - 25 Replies),

Again, more fields in the user class and some template code.

4. Deep linking to a specific post in a 2 - 5 page thread does not link to the last page w/ to the post.

This one disturbs me often, myself ;-).

5. Per Thread / Per Reply Title Should be a href link without
style to be bookmark able directly (currently it's not)

I don't really understand this one.

* Reputation / private postfeedback system

That probably needs a new datatype. I agree it would be useful. Not only for forums, either.

* Forumadministration and permissions

I'm not entirely sure what you need, but I found ezpublish had one of the most flexible permission system in any of the many CMS I tested.

* Moderatingsystem


* Templatesystems and conditionals for the forums

Depending on the flexibility this should provide, that's pretty hard, indeed.

* Smilies,

Easy. There are BB code template operators in the contrib area.

* attatchments,

Simple. Add a file field to the forum message class.

* signatures,

Probably needs some PHP code (workflow, possibly).


* themes,

User selectable templates are possible.

* per-user preferances and per-user options


All in all, most features can be realized with some thinking without writing any more PHP I think. However, if you need high speed, you're truly better of with a dedicated package.


eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 19:29:53
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 19:29:53
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 19:29:54
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 19:29:54
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime0.9941 sec
Peak memory usage4,096.0000 KB
Database Queries218

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0080 589.0938180.8047
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Script end 0.9939  1,867.2422 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00410.4128210.0002
Check MTime0.00160.1624210.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00090.085810.0009
Looping result0.00220.22132160.0000
Template Total0.954396.020.4772
Template load0.00190.192520.0010
Template processing0.952495.804820.4762
Template load and register function0.00020.019610.0002
Cache load0.00190.1904920.0000
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00130.125860.0002
Fetch class attribute name0.00190.1959110.0002
Image XML parsing0.00330.330860.0005
Instantiating content class attribute0.00000.0019110.0000
String conversion0.00000.000630.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1node/view/full.tplfull/forum_topic.tplextension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/full/forum_topic.tplEdit templateOverride template
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1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 37
 Number of unique templates used: 7

Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs