Forums / Install & configuration / Index parameters being ignored after installation

Index parameters being ignored after installation

Author Message

Piotr Karas

Saturday 26 February 2005 3:38:09 am

<b>Installation details</b>:
I've just installed the latest (3.5.1) version of eZ as one of subserver's of my virtual host (for the time being the address is: It's using MySQL DB server 4.1.9. I'm not sure when it comes to the HTTP server name and version, it's most probably some custom thing, it's not Apache for sure. The provider claims, that there have been several successfull eZ installations, though. During the installation process only one problem had to be skipped at the finetunning stage, and that is the AcceptPathInfo being OFF. My ISP claims, that the server doesn't use that directive, but it supports same functionality as AcceptPathInfo.
Otherwise than the AcceptPathInfo problem, the installation went smoothly. I installed one site ( and the admin site (

<b>Problem description</b>:
Neither of both sites, user and andmin, seems to process/receive index parameters at all. When it comes to admin, I'am capable of logging in, but whatever I click in there, I keep staying home, with the welcome text in the main dialog area. Same thing with the user site - the search engine, which comes with standard "plain" layout, doesn't respond. In both cases, the URL incudes the parameters, ie.:
but the application doesn't seem to notice those at all and produces the output as if I was at:

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? Is it still the AcceptPathInfo problem, a misconfiguration, or maybe something else?

Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 28 February 2005 10:53:59 pm

What PHP info says about your configuration and versions?

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Piotr Karas

Tuesday 01 March 2005 3:47:17 am

What exactly would You like to know as it comes to PHPinfo results? And BTW, if you speak Polish, please contact me at: design /At/
Thank you for the interest

Piotr Karas

Tuesday 01 March 2005 4:10:49 am

By the way, exactly the same thing is taking place after my local manual installation. The configuration this time is:
- PHP 4.3.7
- MySQL 4.0.29
- Apache 2.0.49
There were no issues or problems during installation.

Łukasz Serwatka

Tuesday 01 March 2005 5:48:50 am

Hi Piotr,

Try to add settings below in your settings/override/site.ini.append.php file.


This settings can be set to force usage of rewrite rules. Here you can find some examples.

I suggest to use Virtual Hosts. You can read more about installation and virtual hosts here

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->