Forums / Install & configuration / Problems at creating new classes with v 3.9.0

Problems at creating new classes with v 3.9.0

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Rene Kubach

Thursday 01 February 2007 6:13:00 am

Until yesterday I was working with ezPublish 3.8.6. Today I updated to version 3.9.0. The default language is "ger-DE" and the upgrade script to translate names and classes was done as specified in step 3 in the upgrade doc. However I encountered an error when trying to create a new class. The error message is:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: defaultlanguage() in /path_to_ez/kernel/class/edit.php on line 118
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

I tried to modify the file edit.php at line 118 and changed the code from

$EditLanguage = eZContentClass::defaultLanguage();


$EditLanguage = eZContentObject::defaultLanguage();

After this change I was able to create a new class, but neither class nor attribute names were saved.

Does anyone have a clue how to overcome and/or solve this problem instead of downgrading to version 3.8.6?

Thanks a lot in advance!