Forums / Install & configuration / Provider Problem with PHP-Settings
Andreas Kunert
Friday 06 February 2004 5:19:34 am
get in var/log/warning.log following: ----- snip ----------- ini_set, ini_alter, ini_restore, diskfreespace, disk_free_space, exec, passthru, system, popen() has been disabled for security reasons in /raid/domains/de/...../htdocs/www/ezpublish/lib/ezutils/classes/ezsys.php on line 736 Timing Point: Module start 'setup' Undefined variable: currentStep in /raid/domains/de/.../htdocs/www/ezpublish/kernel/setup/ezsetup.php on line 200------- snip ----------
What can I do?
Means it, that i could not use ezpublish? Or is it only required for the setup-Wizard?
Thanx for an advice
Marco Zinn
Saturday 07 February 2004 11:58:44 am
Hm, i'm not sure, if ez can run with these limitations.I'm almost sure, that you cannot run ImageMagick with this, because this probably requires an exec or system call. That means, that you must use GD2 for image manipulation.
Vidar Langseid
Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:08:40 am
Looks like you are running PHP in safemode ? The setup wizard should detect this and inform you accordingly.
You have to dissable safemode by changing the safe_mode setting in php.ini to this :safe_mode = Off
Thursday 12 February 2004 4:26:30 am
thnx for hints. But i have no rights to change php.ini. Its a Provider-Problem. Think i have to change my provider. ;-)
The Wizard dont work and dont show me anything. It starts and runs until timeout. without display any Errror or other Messages. Only logging is okay and shows me the Entrys written above.
Greetings Andreas
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs