Wednesday 16 August 2006 11:06:36 am
Hello Wei Changsheng, unfortunately I have no idea what might be going on there,therefore just some ideas on what to test or look out for: Enable output debug and have a look at the time accumulators. Compare the outputs you get with your old and your new translation file. Are there any major differences? If yes, please tell us or post both versions here. Open both the old and the new translation.ts file in a texteditor. As they consist of xml, they should be human readable. Do the files look different (except of course for the fact that you have added translations)? If yes, what are the differences? If you speak another language than English and I assume Chinese (my apologies if I am wrong), try to recreate the problem with this language. Does the same problem occur when updating the ts file? Greetings from Luxembourg Claudia