Forums / Install & configuration / webdav and vista
Georg Franz
Sunday 05 August 2007 3:09:36 pm
I just setup a webdav site. It didn't work. Then I found out that none of my ez webdav sites are working - shocking!
Well, the reason is: You can't open a webdav site with CTRL+O like it was before at Windows XP and Explorer.
You need to open: Start -> Computer -> Extras -> add network resource Choose "web folder" (or is there "webdav" in english?) Enter the url WITHOUT # at the end!Like
Save it - works again.
Hast la vista ...
Best wishes, Georg.
Best wishes, Georg. -- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004
Sunday 05 August 2007 3:41:27 pm
Hello Again Georg,
We have added the details of your solution to in the hopes that it is simple to find again for others.
Brookins Consulting | Certified | Solutions | eZpedia community documentation project |
Monday 27 August 2007 2:39:48 pm
Hi Georg, are you using Windows Vista Ultimate? I don't have Ultimate and cannot locate this "Extras" menu or option.
What works for me is to:
1) Open Network on the Desktop 2) Select the Tools menu, then Map Network Drive 3) Click "Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures" 4) Select "Choose another network location" 5) Enter the WebDAV address (usually "") 5a) If prompted with the error "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another.", try downloading the Windows Vista WebDAV patch, as discovered on this blog: Enter your username and password when prompted.
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