Forums / Setup & design / another newbie question regarding forms
Per Arne Munthe
Thursday 03 June 2004 12:02:37 pm
Hi again.
I've tried for several days to get a grip on how to embedd a link to a form inside an article. I wouldn't be surprised if the solution is real simple, but whatever it is, it seams that i'm unable to grasp the idea.
Can anyone shed shome light on how to get this done ? What I want is :
- Have the typical "Click <i>here</i> to send a message" in the article - Have a form appear after the user has clicked the link - Get an email sent to me when the user presses send.
I'm sorry if this is a really simple thing to set up, but I can seem to get to grips with it.
steve walker
Friday 04 June 2004 12:16:58 am
You can put a link in an article using a syntax similar to:
<link href={concat("/content/view/full/"XXX/")|ezurl}>link text</link> - where XXX is the target node. Theres other variants on this.
As for creating a feedback form, there are some forum messages on this - I used the corporate template to nick files from, and to understand how its put together... You're going to need to make a 'feedback form' class which gathers the information you want, and then create an appropriate template to use that form.
It'll email the info to whatever admin email you put in the site.ini file.
Roy Bøhmer
Friday 04 June 2004 1:45:39 am
You should aslo read the docs I've turned it into a custom module (extension). In that way you can make just the functionality you want.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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