Konrad Mazurkiewicz
Tuesday 12 July 2005 9:17:43 am
Are You check that every setting is ok? It should work without problems. Maybe try version from my svn server. It is not finished and not ready for contrib yet, but is working on few sites without problems.
Eivind - thanks for suggestions. I've made functions You're lookin for, eg.
- Viewing traffic for smaller periods than one month
- Viewing traffic for each section
- Exclude/include by class and new operator
ezstats_get_list( hash( ['node_id', int],
['section_id', int],
['date', array( oper, date ) | 'date', array( array( date_from, date_to ) )],
['user_id', int],
['class_filter', array( 'include|exclude', array( list_of_class_id's ) ) ],
['offset', int],
['limit', int],
['sort_by', array( 'date|section_id|node_id|user_id', 'asc|desc' )],
['group_by', 'user_id|node_id']
) )