Thursday 05 August 2010 7:21:25 am
Hi Thiago Campos Viana, Thank you very much for the reply. I have already try the proposed solution. But the problem is that <li> are automatically generated, so any css you assign to one <li>, would be automatically replicated for all the other <li> Here is a small piece of code used by ezpublish menu
{if eq( $item.class_identifier, 'link')} <li id="node_id_{$item.node_id}"{if $item_class} class="{$item_class|implode(" ")}"{/if}><div><a {if eq( $ui_context, 'browse' )}href={concat("content/browse/", $item.node_id)|ezurl}{else}href={$item.data_map.location.content|ezurl}{if and( is_set( $item.data_map.open_in_new_window ), $item.data_map.open_in_new_window.data_int )} target="_blank"{/if}{/if}{if $pagedata.is_edit} onclick="return false;"{/if} title="{$item.data_map.location.data_text|wash}" class="menu-item-link" rel={$item.url_alias|ezurl}><span>{if $item.data_map.location.data_text}{$item.data_map.location.data_text|wash()}{else}{$|wash()}{/if}</span></a></div></li> The generated unique node id would be in an <li> Up to now i have not been able to assign a css to one of these generated <li>. Can you please help? Regards, Yaseen