Forums / Setup & design / I cant see gallery on product page

I cant see gallery on product page

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Andrea Cerra

Saturday 19 March 2011 1:26:18 pm

Hello friend,

i have enabled class products to container, now when i go to create on sub-category of my products the gallery, i cant see it on my website.

So i create products and i see online , on sub category of product i create a gallery, but when i create this i not see online.


Theodoros Papageorgiou

Saturday 19 March 2011 1:57:10 pm


If I understand you correctly, you expect to see your gallery (line or full view) as a sub-item of your product full view is this right?

If this is true then you need to modify your product template. The container flag doesn't affect this, it's only for the admin area.

Web Development

Andrea Cerra

Saturday 19 March 2011 2:01:32 pm

Ok, so for see the gallery on my product page i need to modify my product template?

ok...good..................but how? :)

thanks to all

Theodoros Papageorgiou

Monday 21 March 2011 4:51:14 am

First you need to find the product template used by your site.
Enable debug output, template debug, inline debug, list of used templates at your admin interface and clear the cache.You can now see at the front-end the templates used to render your page. Alternatively, you can go to Setup > Classes > Product > Override templates.

Then you need to override this template by copying it to the exact location in your design.

Then modify your override template, fetch your gallery and output it on your product page using the node_view_gui function. Have a look at the full view gallery.tpl template for example.

There's also another way to relate a gallery or whatever object you wish with your product. Change your product class and add an Object relation(s) datatype. Then in your product template fetch the related objects of your product.

Good luck!

Web Development