Forums / Setup & design / Permissions in forum - editing right overflow
Halvor M
Tuesday 15 March 2005 2:30:37 am
I was originally going to go for a separate BB, but wanted to test the EZ forum first.
Users have to register in order to post a message, and also have the option to edit their postings.
The problem is that one user can edit other users posts (!)
This can be edited in the access right section, I would suggest setting edit right to "self", unless you want a certain group of users to act as moderators.
Bård Farstad
Thursday 17 March 2005 12:51:08 am
Hi Halvor,
great that you want to use eZ publish as a forum. The forums here on is of course an example of a forum using only eZ publish.
To get the permissions correct every user should be able to read a forum topic and reply. They should be able to create both topic and reply but only edit topic and reply where created by themselves (using the self policy setting).
For moderators you would add another policy which enables them to edit any topic/post in e.g. a specific section or subtree.
Hope this solves your problem.
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