Forums / Setup & design / Problem overriding template filtering by class_identifier
Toni Vila
Wednesday 24 May 2006 9:55:18 am
Hi i’m running ez 3.6.x,
I want to use tipafriend functionality but using different template depending on object class.I’ve been created an override for template tipafriendmail.tpl:
[tipafriend_news] Source=content/tipafriend_mail.tpl MatchFile= tipafriend_mail_news.tpl Subdir=templates Match[class_identifier]=news
And it works. The problem is when I try to add override filters by class:
[tipafriend_news] Source=content/tipafriendmail.tpl MatchFile= tipafriend_mail_news.tpl Subdir=templates Match[class_identifier]=news
It doesn’t use template tipafriend_mail_news in design/<i>mysite</i>/override/templates/tipafriendmail.tpl and uses template in design/standard/templates/content/tipafriendmail.tpl
Anyone found a problem like this?
Many thanks in advance.
Łukasz Serwatka
Thursday 25 May 2006 11:26:19 pm
Toni, hello and welcome to the eZ publish Community!
Unfortunately override base on class match will not work with this module. Script fetches data from tipafriend_mail.tpl and uses it in the mail body. When user access tipafirend module, system does not know which class or section is used so match will fail. You can use general override rule without matches.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs